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- Nurse's interventions in preventing falls in hospitalized children: scoping reviewPublication . Brás, Alexandra Margarida Ribeiro; Quitério, Margarida Maria de Sousa Lourenço; Nunes, Elisabete Maria Garcia TelesOBJECTIVES: map both nursing interventions for the prevention of falls in paediatric age during hospitalization and the instruments for assessing the risk of falls in paediatrics. METHODS: scoping review according to the protocol of Joanna Briggs Institute, with acronym PCC (P - children, C - fall preventive nursing interventions and instruments for assessing the risk of falling, C - hospital admission), in three sources of information (EBSCO, PubMed and SciELO). RESULTS: the sample consisted of seven articles. The education of the child/family is the basis of the interventions, and the instruments for assessing the risk of falling identified were: Humpty Dumpty Falls Scale, GRAF PIF, CUMMINGS, I'M SAFE and CHAMPS. CONCLUSIONS: the education of children/parents on preventive measures is important and should be reinforced during hospitalization, using different methodologies. The Humpty Dumpty Falls Scale was the most analyzed.