Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2024-05"
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- The association between alterations in motor and cognitive dimensions of schizophrenia-spectrum disorders: a systematic reviewPublication . Moura, Bernardo Melo; Madeira, Luís; Bakker, P. Roberto; Harten, Peter van; Marcelis, MachteldMotor and cognitive alterations in schizophrenia-spectrum disorders (SSD) share common neural underpinnings, highlighting the necessity for a thorough exploration of the connections between these areas. This relationship is crucial, as it holds potential significance in unraveling the underlying mechanisms of SSD pathophysiology, ultimately leading to advancements in clinical staging and treatment strategies. The purpose of this review was to characterize the relationship between different hyper and hypokinetic domains of motor alterations and cognition in SSD. We systematically searched the literature (PROSPERO protocol CRD42019145964) and selected 66 original scientific contributions for review, published between 1987 and 2022. A narrative synthesis of the results was conducted. Hyper and hypokinetic motor alterations showed weak to moderate negative correlations with cognitive function across different SSD stages, including before antipsychotic treatment. The literature to date shows a diverse set of methodologies and composite cognitive scores hampering a strong conclusion about which specific cognitive domains were more linked to each group of motor alterations. However, executive functions seemed the domain more consistently associated with parkinsonism with the results regarding dyskinesia being less clear. Akathisia and catatonia were scarcely discussed in the reviewed literature. The present review reinforces the intimate relationship between specific motor alterations and cognition. Identified gaps in the literature challenge the formulation of definitive conclusions. Nevertheless, a discussion of putative underlying mechanisms is included, prompting guidance for future research endeavors.
- Avaliação externa das escolas TEIP: transformação e melhoriaPublication . Palmeirão, Cristina; Alves, José MatiasPoder-se-á afirmar que a coletânea de textos construídos por uma diversidade de autores, trabalhando em diferentes contextos, se constitui como um horizonte de possibilidade de renovação das práticas educativas. E isto porque a avaliação externa pressupõe uma autoavaliação participada que aconselha a revisitar (e responder) 4 questões fundamentais: i) como é que a organização educativa de vê a si própria nos modos de planear, executar, monitorizar e avaliar a ação educativa; ii) de que forma as lideranças criam dinâmicas de autoconhecimento, inovação e melhoria, iii) como se garante a qualidade educativa para todos os alunos e se contribui para o desenvolvimento da comunidade educativa e iv) como têm evoluído os resultados académicos e sociais dos alunos. Através de contributos plurais, temos acesso a uma diversidade de perspetivas que convocam a avaliação externa como dispositivo de ao serviço do enriquecimento das práticas educativas. Como referem os organizadores da edição, uma escola mais inclusiva passa “pela construção e desenvolvimento de comunidades profissionais de aprendizagem que fazem do “ofício” de fazer aprender todos os alunos um imperativo ético e um compromisso inalienável”. E este imperativo e este compromisso só é atingível através de dinâmicas de autognose, metamorfose e melhoria dos processos e resultados.
- Enfermagem do desporto: uma nova coreografia do saberPublication . Costa, Bruno; Gomes, Eduardo; Gonçalves, Mónica
- Patient-reported outcome measures in rehabilitation after knee surgery: a rapid systematic reviewPublication . Moreira, José; Miguel, Susana; Delgado, Bruno; Boto, PauloAim: Musculoskeletal conditions impact our society owing to the associated burden, with significant implications for health systems and people’s quality of life. Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) are used to optimize the results of rehabilitation programs. The study aims to identify the PROMs used in rehabilitation programs after knee surgery. Subject and methods: This rapid systematic review was conducted using MEDLINE® and CINAHL® databases, considering all studies carried out until December 2023, with a registered protocol (PROSPERO reference: CRD42024504263). Studies were included with adult participants undergoing knee surgery and using PROMs to measure outcomes before and after rehabilitation programs. Results: Sixteen studies with 3469 participants in rehabilitation programs after knee surgery were included. Methodologically and according to the criteria recommended by the Joanna Briggs Institute, more than half of the studies were of high quality, with values of more than 80%, including randomized controlled trials, cohorts, and quasi-experimental designs. Outcomes were assessed before and after rehabilitation programs, using general (n = 6) and knee-specific (n = 11) PROMs. Of all the PROMs identified in the different studies selected for this systematic review, the ones used the most were KOOS (in 14 studies), EQ5D-5L, and WOMAC (in 3 studies). Conclusion: This rapid systematic review shows the need to identify and implement PROMs during rehabilitation programs after knee surgery, measuring participants’ health status, symptoms, treatment satisfaction, and physical and mental performance. In this way, it is possible to make value-based comparisons with other interventions, improving and tailoring rehabilitation care.
- Comparison among different green extraction methods of polyphenolic compounds from exhausted olive oil pomace and the bioactivity of the extractsPublication . Martins, Valter F. R.; Ribeiro, Tânia B.; Lopes, Ana I.; Pintado, Manuela E.; Morais, Rui M. S. C.; Morais, Alcina M. M. B.The use of by-products as a source of bioactive compounds with economic added value is one of the objectives of a circular economy. The olive oil industry is a source of olive pomace as a by-product. The olive pomace used in the present study was the exhausted olive pomace, which is the by-product generated from the air drying and subsequent hexane extraction of residual oil from the olive pomace. The objective was to extract bioactive compounds remaining in this by-product. Various types of green extraction were used in the present study: solvent extraction (water and hydroalcoholic); ultrasound-assisted extraction; Ultra-Turrax-assisted extraction; and enzyme-assisted extraction (cellulase; viscoenzyme). The phenolic profile of each extract was determined using HPLC-DAD and the total phenolic content (TPC) and antioxidant activity (ABTS, DPPH, and ORAC) were determined as well. The results showed significant differences in the yield of extraction among the different methods used, with the enzyme-assisted, with or without ultrasound, extraction presenting the highest values. The ultrasound-assisted hydroethanolic extraction (USAHE) was the method that resulted in the highest content of the identified phenolic compounds: 2.021 ± 0.29 mg hydroxytyrosol/100 mg extract, 0.987 ± 0.09 mg tyrosol/100 mg extract, and 0.121 ± 0.005 mg catechol/100 mg extract. The conventional extraction with water at 50 °C produced the best results for TPC and antioxidant activity of the extracts. The extracts from the USAHE were able to inhibit Gram-positive bacteria, especially Bacillus cereus, showing 67.2% inhibition at 3% extract concentration.
- Impacto das algas nas doenças cerebrais: estudos exploratóriosPublication . Cunha, Sara; Batista, PatríciaO ambiente marinho é conhecido pela enorme diversidade de organismos vivos, entre as quais as algas. As algas marinhas foram identificadas como um recurso vegetal subexplorado, embora tenham sido reconhecidas há muito tempo como fontes valiosas de compostos bioativos. Nos últimos anos, as atividades biológicas, o valor nutricional e os potenciais benefícios para a saúde das algas têm sido intensamente investigados. Atualmente, várias linhas de investigação exploram as atividades biológicas e os efeitos neuroprotetores destes recursos naturais, incluindo atividade antioxidante, anti-inflamatória, inibidora da colinesterase e inibição da morte neuronal, fundamentais na prevenção de doenças cerebrais. As algas são há muito reconhecidas pelas suas propriedades benéficas para a saúde, mas apenas recentemente o seu potencial neuroprotector tem sido extensivamente investigado. O desenvolvimento de novos produtos farmacêuticos, nutracêuticos e alimentos funcionais está a crescer, assim como, a necessidade de aumentar a investigação na área das neurociências para uma melhor compreensão dos mecanismos de actuação das algas no cérebro e nas patologias associadas. Esta revisão, centra-se na apresentação do impacto de alguns tipos de algas na prevenção de doenças cerebrais, permitindo o aumento da literacia em saúde e sensibilização para o desenvolvimento de investigação nesta área.
- The United Nations SDG13 and the EU27 countries performance: a comparative analysisPublication . Sena, Marina B.; Costa, Leonardo; Leitão, Alexandra; Silva, Maria C. A.This paper evaluates the performance of the European Union 27 (EU-27), its supranational regions, and Member States (MSs) in relation to the Climate Action Sustainable Development Goal (SDG13) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. The Alkire–Foster method is used to develop the Multidimensional Climate Action Index (MCAI) framework. Regarding individual MSs’ overall performance, the results show that Sweden (Northern Europe) performs the best and Croatia (Central and Eastern Europe) the worst. In terms of the average overall performance of individual MSs in the EU-27 and its supranational regions, only Western and Northern Europe have satisfactory scores. Moreover, the performances of the various territories differ by target. This territorial heterogeneity illustrates how the SDG13 targets may require different efforts in each territory. The scores for the MCAI group measure depict an even worse picture. Except for Northern Europe, the proportion of MSs with a satisfactory individual overall composite score (H) is lower than their average overall composite score or intensity (A). The two regions with the lowest H scores (Southern Europe and Central and Eastern Europe) also have the lowest A scores and the lowest average GDP per capita.
- Avaliação externa das escolas TEIP: um lento caminho de possibilidadesPublication . Palmeirão, Cristina; Alves, José Matias
- Selection of promising clean-label antimicrobials for novel meat productsPublication . Barbosa, Luana; Barbosa, Joana Bastos; Carvalho, Teresa Bento de; Azevedo, Maria A.; Komora, Norton; Teixeira, PaulaLactic acid bacteria (LAB) play a significant role in the spoilage of meat products, contributing to textural and sensory changes. Understanding the susceptibility of these bacteria to natural antimicrobial agents is crucial for developing new effective preservation strategies. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) assays provide valuable insights into the efficacy of specific compounds in inhibiting bacterial growth and promoting food safety and quality [1,2]. As the clean-label movement influences consumer preferences, integrating natural preservatives into meat products not only extends their shelf life but also enhances trust in products committed to transparency and quality [3].
- Network pathways of peripheral firm entry: empirical evidence from the global airline industryPublication . Corbo, Leonardo; Corrado, Raffaele; Ferriani, SimonePrevious research on interfirm collaboration indicates that networks tend to be structurally stable due to path dependence and embedded firms' incentives to preserve their positional advantages. As a result, industry networks often resemble a core-periphery structure where peripheral firms seem to have little or no opportunity to access the core. Yet, under certain conditions, peripheral firms do manage to cross over to the industry center. In this paper, we examine one such condition: a sudden and unexpected change in the external environment. More specifically, we examine the relationship between the occurrence of an industry-level disruptive event and the dynamics of tie formation/dissolution facilitating or inhibiting peripheral firms' progress toward the center of the industry network. We substantiate our investigation by using longitudinal data on the alliance activities of 258 airlines and applying Stochastic Actor-Oriented Models (SAOM). We integrate our statistical analysis with interview material and descriptive network analysis. The findings reveal a variety of patterns of network entry, contributing novel insights to theories on network dynamics, innovation, as well as policy and practice.