Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2021-07-08"
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- Impacto do Enterprise Risk Management na performance das empresas ibéricas cotadasPublication . Ribeiro, Gabriel Alexandre Carvalho; Cunha, Manuel Ricardo Fontes daDurante os últimos tempos assistimos a um crescimento da Gestão de Risco Empresarial (ERM), tornando-se um elemento importante para as organizações muito graças à criação de modelos, como o COSO, que regulam e são referência para as organizações, em virtude da riscos mais complexos. A ERM é um processo de gestão de risco baseado em todos os riscos enfrentados nos negócios e aplicados inteiramente pela empresa. É também uma técnica de gestão de risco que avalia o risco e a oportunidade em conjunto e fornece uma garantia razoável de que os objetivos do negócio serão realizados. O objetivo primordial deste estudo visa investigar o impacto da gestão de risco empresarial (ERM) na performance. A amostra do estudo são as empresas ibéricas cotadas em Bolsa, dentro do setor bancário, energético e das telecomunicações. As 16 empresas ibéricas são analisadas no período de 2016 a2019 obtendo-se um total de 64 observações. Na análise de dados verificou-se que o impacto da ERM na performance da empresa não foi determinado e que a dimensão da empresa foi considerada significativa na sua performance. No que respeita aos determinantes da performance, a dimensão é um fator que influencia negativamente e significativamente a performance nas duas maneiras de a mensurar. Em sentido inverso, o pagamento de dividendos não contribui significativamente para a performance e o nível de alavancagem tem significância negativa no caso de a performance ser medida pelo Tobin’s Q. No que respeita a cada setor específico o setor energético revela uma relação positiva com significância entre a ERM e a performance, enquanto que o setor bancário não evidencia o impacto da ERM na performance. O setor das telecomunicações apresenta significância, embora negativa, na performance somente quando mensurada pelo Tobin's Q.
- Indisciplina e práticas educativas: estudo de caso no Agrupamento de Escolas AlfaPublication . Sousa, Fernando Valentim Ferreira de; Palmeirão, Cristina
- Smart data driven predictive model application for wound healing trackingPublication . Neto, Pedro Daniel Ribeiro; Tavaria, Freni Kekhasharú; Rodrigues, Pedro Miguel de LuísChronic wounds affect millions of people around the world. Just in the United States, it is estimated that 6.5 million people suffered from chronic wounds, while in Europe the number is estimated to be around 1.5 to 2 million. The number of chronic wounds in Portugal isn’t well known but at least 14,000 people suffer from leg ulcerations at any given time. Chronic wounds tend to affect people of older age or that suffer from chronic diseases such as diabetes. The increase of the average age of the populations in developed countries, coupled with the increase of diabetes cases will only exacerbate the problem of chronic wound prevalence. Despite all the wide array of innovative and potential treatments, current dressings do not provide any feedback information regarding the wound healing process. Developments in biosensors for wounds are being made, however, the processing of the gathered information is still lacking. Using the computational power of today’s processors, a wound healing application was developed that was able to predict wound healing states, infected vs. non-infected, using only inexpensive sensors, thermal images, simple signal processing techniques, and features. Data was collected from 3D skin models and processed using Wavelet transform a powerful tool used in signal analysis allowing the decomposition of humidity and temperature signals in its frequency, even at the low sampling frequency. Features were collected from both humidity, temperature signal, and thermal images, and were selected through a process of feature selection and then feed to machine learning algorithms. It reached a maximum accuracy of 85.7% using a combination of temperature and humidity features feed to a logistic regression algorithm, as well as a Convolutional Neural Network, demonstrating the viability of this method.
- Enfermagem avançada – conceptualização através de grupos focaisPublication . Henriques, Carolina; Santos, Paulo; Frade, JoãoA Enfermagem Avançada é um conceito recente em Portugal, tendo os enfermeiros portugueses se apropriado dele devido ao seu desenvolvimento à evolução da ciência de enfermagem em Portugal. Conhecermos de que forma os enfermeiros conceptualizam o conceito de Enfermagem Avançada é o principal objetivo deste estudo, sendo que, neste artigo procuraremos enfatizar os aspetos metodológicos inerentes à realização de grupos focais. Concluímos que os enfermeiros participantes no estudo conceptualizam o conceito de Enfermagem Avançada assente nos pilares da Investigação, da Conceptualização dos Cuidados, do Processo de Enfermagem, do Desenvolvimento Profissional e da Gestão de Serviços/Instituições. A utilização da metodologia de colheita e análise dos dados no âmbito dos grupos focais mostrou-se bastante adequada, permitindo-nos atingir os objetivos do estudo, tal como, o acesso a interações focadas face ao objetivo do estudo.
- Process optimization for the probiotic strain bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum NCC 2705Publication . Ribeiro, Rafael Viana Barge Bouçon; Prioult, Guenolee Eliane Marie; Gresset, MurielleIt is essential that the cultivation medium guarantees a high yield of highly concentrated, stable, and functional live cells in order to deliver probiotics in products. The objective of this project was the optimization of the growth medium to cultivate a probiotic strain, at a laboratory scale, a fundamental work step for the industrialization of a product. The target was to achieve a concentration of live cells of 2.0x1011 CFU/g, similar to the probiotic clinical batch, in culture powder. A screening was performed, in BioLector® and Dasgip® bench bioreactors, using a yate’s design and “one-factor-at-the-time” experiments, with the purpose of identifying which factors and parameters influenced the growth of the probiotic strain and for this reason should be part of the final stage optimization experiments. The pH value and concentrations of the carbon source, nitrogen source and S were selected, whereas T, U, V and X seemed to play a minor role in the probiotic strain growth. Substrates and concentrations were then optimized. The optimized process parameters and medium composition gave the maximum biomass concentration of 2.12x1011 CFU/g, fulfilling the project target on viability.
- Learning from out-of-sample errors in Norway´s stock marketPublication . Slensvik, Jonas Ulfeng; Barroso, Pedro Monteiro e SilvaThe construction of optimized portfolios usually involves estimating optimization inputs from an historical sample of returns, repeated for every rebalancing frequency. The error between the estimate and what transpired, is disregarded at every iteration. The Galton-algorithm exploits predictability in these errors over time, to generate superior optimization inputs. Originally developed on monthly data for US stocks, I employ the method on monthly, weekly, and daily data for the Norwegian stock market. I find that the strategy produces portfolios that outperform not only other optimal portfolios but also naïve equal- and valueweighting schemes. As more information is fed to the algorithm by increasing the frequency of datapoints, more accurate estimates are made, increasing the Sharpe ratio. These portfolios have the exciting feature of predictable portfolio variance ex-ante, making it possible for portfolio managers to manage risk levels in real-time.
- After signing of the friendly acquisitions : alguns casos paradigmáticos de "perturbações" na execução de transmissão de empresasPublication . Câmara, Maria Leonor trindade Gago da; Duarte, Rui Manuel Pinto
- O que sabes tu que cuidas de mim? – Características e necessidades em saúde da mulher Cabo-VerdianaPublication . Henriques, Carolina; Santos, Paulo; Frade, JoãoO trabalho recai sobre elas, mulheres cabo-verdianas, a apanha da lenha para a fogueira, procurando pão para os filhos, de cesta na mão, regressando do campo. Dos trabalhos informais aos formais, as mulheres cabo-verdianas sobreviveram entre o colonizador português e o homem cabo-verdiano. Conhecermos de que forma os enfermeiros cabo-verdianos perspetivam a mulher cabo-verdiana, foi o mote para este trabalho, onde se procura, não só aceder à perspetiva dos enfermeiros sobre as características da mulher cabo verdiana, tal como, às necessidades em saúde destas mulheres. Recorreu-se à metodologia qualitativa da análise de conteúdo de Bardin. Concluímos que as mulheres cabo-verdianas, ainda hoje, são caracterizadas como mulheres trabalhadoras, centradas ao espaço doméstico, muitas vezes vítimas de violência de género, e com baixa literacia. Face às necessidades em saúde, identifica-se que os enfermeiros consideram como necessário o acesso destas mulheres a consultas gratuitas e a melhores cuidados no domínio da saúde materna e obstétrica.
- Are perceived benefits of HTPs consumption aiding smoking cessation?Publication . Martinho, Mafalda Vieira Campos Leça; Silva, Susana Cristina Lima da Costa e; Duarte, Paulo Alexandre de OliveiraThe tobacco industry has been facing several transformations considering that technology has evolved and health concerns have increased. Taking advantage of this trend, Philip Morris International (PMI) introduced IQOS in Portugal, converting several smokers to their heat-not-burn technology. Few independent studies have focused on the consumption of heated tobacco, both in terms of the motivations behind its consumption and the perceptions of its dangerousness. Therefore, this research's main objective is to identify and understand whether or not heated tobacco products are perceived as a smoking cessation product. This study explores the perception of heated tobacco consumption among Portuguese smokers and ex-smokers using one of the models identified in the literature review: The Health Belief Model (HBM). A conceptual model was developed based on its constructs and tested using data obtained through an online survey, that resulted in 247 valid answers. Data were analysed using the SPSS and SmartPLS programs. Results suggest that the perceived benefits of heated tobacco consumption have a reverse influence on the likelihood to quit smoking. Perceived threats of smoking (perceived Susceptibility and perceived Severity) were not considered reliable variables. From a practical point of view, the results indicate that heated tobacco products do not work as an auxiliary product in the intention to quit smoking, being, in some cases, an influential factor in the increase of smoking dependence.
- Common ownership in the CAC40Publication . Alegre, Pedro Nuno Alvim de Castro Fonseca; Ribeiro, Ricardo Miguel Martins da CostaThe objective of this dissertation is to verify whether common ownership is significant in the CAC40, and whether it is correlated with the returns of companies in this index. In the presence of a shareholder structure characterized by the coexistence of shareholders with and without shares in rival companies, the manager will not seek to maximize the company's profit, but a weighted average of the return of its shareholders, in order to manage the potential conflict of interests between them. This implies assigning, in the manager's decision making, a weight to the profit of rival companies in which the shareholders hold stakes. This dissertation quantifies this weight for the CAC40 companies and evaluates, using the Fama-French three-factor model, whether there is a link between companies' returns and this weight. The results obtained suggest that common ownership is not very significant in CAC40, but that there are companies for which the weight assigned to rivals' profit influences returns.
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