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A difusão do protestantismo no Porto e em Vila Nova de Gaia na segunda metade do século XIX proporcionou um aceso debate católico-protestante, no contexto do desenvolvimento do movimento católico portuense. A controvérsia agudizou-se em 1878/79, no seguimento da instrução pastoral sobre o protestantismo do bispo do Porto, D. Américo Ferreira dos Santos Silva. A réplica protestante surgiu pela pena de Robert Kelly e Guilherme Dias. A contrarréplica católica contou com a contundência de Sena Freitas e a serenidade argumentativa de Manuel Filipe Coelho. O presente estudo contextualiza e apresenta este debate nas suas temáticas fundamentais, designadamente a Sagrada Escritura, porquanto a sola scriptura e o livre exame protestantes não encontravam acolhimento no ambiente católico, onde a própria difusão da Bíblia em vernáculo era objeto de reservas. Mais do que ponto de convergência entre católicos e protestantes, a Bíblia era ao tempo ocasião para se dividirem em confronto público.
The dissemination of Protestantism in Oporto and Vila Nova de Gaia in the second half of the nineteenth century led to a heated Catholic-Protestant debate in the context of the development of the Oporto Catholic movement. The controversy came to a head in 1878/79 following the pastoral instruction on Protestantism given by the then Bishop of Oporto, Américo Ferreira dos Santos Silva. The Protestant reply issued forth from the pens of Robert Kelly and Guilherme Dias. The Catholic counter-reply relied on the bluntness of Sena Freitas and the argumentative serenity of Manuel Filipe Coelho. The present study contextualises and presents this debate in its fundamental issues, namely with regard to the Holy Scripture, seeing that the sola scriptura and Protestant free examination were not well received in Catholic circles, where the very dissemination of the Bible in the vernacular was a matter for reserve. Rather than a point of convergence between Catholics and Protestants, the Bible was, at the time, a basis for division in public confrontation.
The dissemination of Protestantism in Oporto and Vila Nova de Gaia in the second half of the nineteenth century led to a heated Catholic-Protestant debate in the context of the development of the Oporto Catholic movement. The controversy came to a head in 1878/79 following the pastoral instruction on Protestantism given by the then Bishop of Oporto, Américo Ferreira dos Santos Silva. The Protestant reply issued forth from the pens of Robert Kelly and Guilherme Dias. The Catholic counter-reply relied on the bluntness of Sena Freitas and the argumentative serenity of Manuel Filipe Coelho. The present study contextualises and presents this debate in its fundamental issues, namely with regard to the Holy Scripture, seeing that the sola scriptura and Protestant free examination were not well received in Catholic circles, where the very dissemination of the Bible in the vernacular was a matter for reserve. Rather than a point of convergence between Catholics and Protestants, the Bible was, at the time, a basis for division in public confrontation.
Controvérsia católico-protestante Sagrada Escritura Movimento católico Porto Século XIX Catholic-Protestant controversy Holy Scripture Catholic movement Oporto Nineteenth century
ABREU, Adélio Fernando - A Sagrada Escritura numa controvérsia católica-protestante do Porto oitocentista. Didaskalia. ISSN 0253-1674. Vol. 45, fasc. 2 (2015), p. 233-258
Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Faculdade de Teologia