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Organizado em quatro partes, divididas em dezoito capítulos, este livro articula análise filosófica e hermenêutica literária, apresentando um fio condutor que reside nos processos criativos ou «poiéticos» onde o «si-mesmo» se forma e transforma como configuração de símbolos e obra de linguagem, no atelier da memória e da imaginação (auto)biográficas. O livro evidencia o carácter aberto, exploratório, experimental da literatura, em geral, e das experiências da escrita e da narração, em particular, mas também a característica fugidia, instável, e talvez nunca totalmente capturável destas experiências na primeira pessoa. Nele, são explorados os processos de construção da subjetividade e da identidade (pessoal ou coletiva) e interrogados os mecanismos da interpretação da vida e do mundo.
This book, which comprises four different parts, divided into eighteen chapters, puts forward an analysis drawing both from philosophy and from literary hermeneutics. Its guiding thread are the creative or «poietic» processes through which the «self» forms and transforms itself as a configuration of symbols and a work of language, in the laboratory of (auto)biographic memory and imagination. The book sheds light on the open, exploratory and experimental character of literature in general and of the experiences of writing and narrating in particular. But it also emphasizes the elusive, unstable and perhaps never fully graspable trait of these experiences in a first person perspective. In the book, the processes of subjectivity and identity (personal or collective) are explored and the mechanisms for interpreting life and world are investigated.
This book, which comprises four different parts, divided into eighteen chapters, puts forward an analysis drawing both from philosophy and from literary hermeneutics. Its guiding thread are the creative or «poietic» processes through which the «self» forms and transforms itself as a configuration of symbols and a work of language, in the laboratory of (auto)biographic memory and imagination. The book sheds light on the open, exploratory and experimental character of literature in general and of the experiences of writing and narrating in particular. But it also emphasizes the elusive, unstable and perhaps never fully graspable trait of these experiences in a first person perspective. In the book, the processes of subjectivity and identity (personal or collective) are explored and the mechanisms for interpreting life and world are investigated.
Writing Hermeneutics Literature Narration Subjectivity Life
Coimbra University Press