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O mundo tem observado um aumento significativo de indivíduos idosos na população global. Para a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) uma pessoa é considerada idosa a partir dos 60 anos de idade e esta organização prevê que até 2030, 1 em cada 6 pessoas no mundo terá 60 anos, ou mais. Devido a uma série de fatores associados ao envelhecimento, a população idosa tem uma ingestão de alimentos deficitária. Este fenómeno vai impactar no correto equilíbrio qualitativo e quantitativo de macro e micronutrientes da sua dieta, comprometendo o seu estado de saúde. As deficiências nutricionais entre idosos é uma situação preocupante, especialmente quando envolve aqueles que se encontram institucionalizados. Este estudo pretendeu fazer uma análise comparativa entre o perfil nutricional das ementas de 20 estruturas residenciais, para pessoas idosas da região metropolitana da cidade do Porto, e as recomendações das autoridades sanitárias no que concerne à energia, aos hidratos de carbono, aos açúcares, à proteína, à gordura total, à gordura saturada, ao colesterol, ao cálcio, ao zinco, ao magnésio, ao ferro, ao sódio e às vitaminas A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, C e E. As comparações foram feitas levando em consideração a natureza jurídica e o tamanho das Instituições, bem como o tipo de produção das refeições, concessionadas ou próprias. Todas as instituições atendem a recomendação para hidratos de carbono, açúcares e gordura total, entretanto, é crítico observar que nenhuma cumpre os limites de ingestão de colesterol e gordura saturada. A recomendação de cinco dos catorze micronutrientes analisados (ferro e vitaminas A, B1, B6 e C) é atendida por todas as Instituições. Contudo, foi considerado potencialmente preocupante, a falta de adequação às recomendações de cálcio, magnésio e vitamina E, e o fato do valor máximo de consumo de sódio ser ultrapassado por todas as entidades.
The world has been seen a significant increase in elderly individuals in the global population. For the World Health Organization (WHO), a person is considered elderly from the age of 60 and this organization predicts that by 2030, 1 in 6 people in the world will be 60 years old or older. Due to a series of factors associated with aging, the elderly population has a deficient food intake. This phenomenon will impact the correct qualitative and quantitative balance of macro and micronutrients in their diet, compromising their health status. Nutritional deficiencies among the elderly is a worrying situation, especially when it involves those who are institutionalized. This study intended to make a comparative analysis between the nutritional profile of the menus of 20 residential structures, for elderly people in the metropolitan region of the city of Porto, and the recommendations of health authorities regarding energy, carbohydrates, sugars, protein, total fat, saturated fat, calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron, sodium and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, C and E. Comparisons were made taking into account the legalnature and size of the Institutions, as well as the sort of meal production, whether concessionaded or in-house. All Institutions meet the recommendations for carbohydrates, sugars and total fat, however, it is critical to observe that none meet the intake limits for cholesterol and saturated fat. The recommendation for five of the fourteen micronutrients analyzed (iron and vitamins A, B1, B6 and C) is met by the entirety of the Institutions. However, it was considered potentially worrying, the lack of compliance with the recommendations for calcium, magnesium and vitamin E, and the fact that the maximum sodium intake value was exceeded by the totality of the Institutions.
The world has been seen a significant increase in elderly individuals in the global population. For the World Health Organization (WHO), a person is considered elderly from the age of 60 and this organization predicts that by 2030, 1 in 6 people in the world will be 60 years old or older. Due to a series of factors associated with aging, the elderly population has a deficient food intake. This phenomenon will impact the correct qualitative and quantitative balance of macro and micronutrients in their diet, compromising their health status. Nutritional deficiencies among the elderly is a worrying situation, especially when it involves those who are institutionalized. This study intended to make a comparative analysis between the nutritional profile of the menus of 20 residential structures, for elderly people in the metropolitan region of the city of Porto, and the recommendations of health authorities regarding energy, carbohydrates, sugars, protein, total fat, saturated fat, calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron, sodium and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, C and E. Comparisons were made taking into account the legalnature and size of the Institutions, as well as the sort of meal production, whether concessionaded or in-house. All Institutions meet the recommendations for carbohydrates, sugars and total fat, however, it is critical to observe that none meet the intake limits for cholesterol and saturated fat. The recommendation for five of the fourteen micronutrients analyzed (iron and vitamins A, B1, B6 and C) is met by the entirety of the Institutions. However, it was considered potentially worrying, the lack of compliance with the recommendations for calcium, magnesium and vitamin E, and the fact that the maximum sodium intake value was exceeded by the totality of the Institutions.
Idosos Micronutrientes Vitaminas Minerais Nutrição Instituições geriátricas Elderly Micronutrients Vitamins Minerals Nutrition Geriatric institutions