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O artigo inicia com uma proposta de interpretação das edificações “religiosas” como configurações do espaço que, “transfigurando” o espaço quotidiano, permitem experiências do sagrado contextualizadas culturalmente e mesmo pessoalmente. No âmbito dessas edificações, assumem especial destaque os santuários, pois reinterpretam não só o espaço interior mas também exterior, “transfigurando” as paisagens em que se inserem. Como aplicação desta tese, apresenta-se uma breve descrição dos espaços arquitetônicos de Fátima e de Aparecida, permitindo avaliar comparativamente as experiências do sagrado promovidas pelas respetivas edificações, na sua semelhança mas também na sua diferença.
This article begins with a proposal of interpretation of "religious" buildings as configurations of the space that, "transfiguring" the daily space, allow experiences of the sacred contextualized culturally and even individually. In the context of these buildings, the sanctuaries are especially prominent, since they reinterpret not only the interior but also the outer space, "transfiguring" the landscapes in which they are inserted. As an application of this thesis, a brief description of the architectural spaces of Fatima and Aparecida is presented, allowing a comparative evaluation of the experiences of the sacred promoted by the respective buildings, in their similarity but also their difference.
This article begins with a proposal of interpretation of "religious" buildings as configurations of the space that, "transfiguring" the daily space, allow experiences of the sacred contextualized culturally and even individually. In the context of these buildings, the sanctuaries are especially prominent, since they reinterpret not only the interior but also the outer space, "transfiguring" the landscapes in which they are inserted. As an application of this thesis, a brief description of the architectural spaces of Fatima and Aparecida is presented, allowing a comparative evaluation of the experiences of the sacred promoted by the respective buildings, in their similarity but also their difference.
Sagrado Espaço Peregrinação Arquitetura Religião Sacred Space Pilgrimage Architecture Religion