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Introdução: Num mundo em crescente urbanização, caracterizado por uma forte poluição e ausência de espaços verdes, as hortas urbanas desempenham um papel importante contribuindo para a sustentabilidade ambiental, económica e alimentar das cidades. Estes espaços permitem também melhorar a paisagem, criando espaços para a socialização e a prática de atividades lúdicas ou desportivas e desempenham um papel pedagógico ao permitir o contacto da população urbana com a base da sua sobrevivência. O recente aumento deste tipo de estruturas, e a clara adesão das populações, tem despertado o interesse da comunidade científica. Neste sentido, vários estudos têm evidenciado um conjunto de benefícios nos indivíduos expostos à horticultura relativamente à saúde física e mental, à alimentação, ao bem-estar e à qualidade de vida. O presente trabalho torna-se pertinente dada a expansão recente destes espaços em Portugal e a ausência de estudos que tenham medido o seu impacto nos comportamentos de saúde e qualidade de vida dos utilizadores. Objetivos: Foram objetivos da presente investigação i) caracterizar os horticultores de uma horta urbana em termos do seu estado de saúde, comportamentos de saúde e práticas ambientais, bem como ii) avaliar o efeito da prática da horticultura nos comportamentos de saúde, qualidade de vida e práticas ambientais. Metodologia: O estudo foi realizado na horta do parque José Avides de Moreira, localizado no Centro Hospitalar Conde Ferreira, com uma amostra de 115 hortelões que estavam a iniciar a horticultura ou a tinham iniciado recentemente. A recolha de dados foi realizada por entrevista, através da aplicação de questionários semiestruturados elaborados para o efeito. Todos os participantes foram entrevistados no momento em que foram convidados para integrar o estudo e num segundo momento (n=102), que ocorreu sensivelmente seis meses após a avaliação inicial e cujo objetivo era avaliar eventuais alterações, devido à horticultura, nos comportamentos dos indivíduos. Resultados: Foram encontradas alterações relevantes e estatisticamente significativas da primeira para a segunda avaliação no que concerne aos parâmetros antropométricos, hábitos alimentares, prática de atividade física, hábitos tabágicos, qualidade de vida e práticas de sustentabilidade ambiental, tendo-se observado uma melhoria clara na segunda avaliação. Para o efeito da intensidade da exposição (até 3 horas vs. mais de 3 horas semanais) não foram, de uma forma geral, encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os dois grupos. Contudo, foi possível constatar valores mais elevados no grupo associado a um maior tempo de exposição. Conclusões: A horticultura apresentou um efeito benéfico nos comportamentos de saúde, na qualidade de vida e nas práticas ambientais dos participantes. No futuro justifica-se a realização de estudos com períodos mais longos de seguimento de modo a identificar i) o impacto positivo máximo que a horticultura acarreta nas variáveis aqui estudadas e ii) outros eventuais tipos de benefício em áreas não abordadas na presente investigação.
Introduction: In a world in increasing urbanization characterized by heavy pollution and lack of green spaces, urban gardens play an important role contributing to the environmental, economic and food sustainability of cities. These spaces also allow to improve the landscape, creating spaces for the socialization and the practice of playful or sport activities and play a pedagogical role by allowing the contact of the urban population with the basis of their survival. The recent increase in this type of structures, and the clear adherence of populations, has aroused the interest of the scientific community. In this sense, several studies have shown a set of benefits in individuals exposed to horticulture regarding physical and mental health, food, well-being and quality of life. The present study becomes pertinent given the recent expansion of these spaces in Portugal and the absence of studies that have measured their impact on the health behaviors and quality of life of the users. Objectives: The objectives of the present research were: i) to characterize the horticulturists of an urban garden in terms of their state of health, health behaviors and environmental practices, and ii) to evaluate the effect of horticulture practice on health behaviors, quality of life and environmental practices. Methodology: The study was carried out in the garden of the José Avides de Moreira Park, located in the Conde Ferreira Hospital Center, with a sample of 115 gardeners who were starting horticulture or had recently started it. The data collection was performed by interview, through the application of semi-structured questionnaires prepared for this purpose. All participants were interviewed when they were invited to join the study and at a second time (n = 102), which occurred roughly six months after the initial evaluation and whose objective was to evaluate possible changes due to horticulture in the behaviors of individuals. Results: There were significant and statistically significant changes from the first to the second evaluation regarding anthropometric parameters, eating habits, physical activity, smoking habits, quality of life and environmental sustainability practices. For the effect of exposure intensity (up to 3 hours vs. more than 3 hours per week), there were not statistically significant differences between the two groups. However, it was possible to observe higher values in the group associated with a longer exposure time. Conclusions: Horticulture had a beneficial effect on the health behaviors, quality of life and environmental practices of the participants. In the future it is justified to carry out studies with longer periods of follow-up in order to identify i) the maximum positive impact that horticulture entails on the variables studied here and ii) other possible types of benefits in areas not addressed in the present research.
Introduction: In a world in increasing urbanization characterized by heavy pollution and lack of green spaces, urban gardens play an important role contributing to the environmental, economic and food sustainability of cities. These spaces also allow to improve the landscape, creating spaces for the socialization and the practice of playful or sport activities and play a pedagogical role by allowing the contact of the urban population with the basis of their survival. The recent increase in this type of structures, and the clear adherence of populations, has aroused the interest of the scientific community. In this sense, several studies have shown a set of benefits in individuals exposed to horticulture regarding physical and mental health, food, well-being and quality of life. The present study becomes pertinent given the recent expansion of these spaces in Portugal and the absence of studies that have measured their impact on the health behaviors and quality of life of the users. Objectives: The objectives of the present research were: i) to characterize the horticulturists of an urban garden in terms of their state of health, health behaviors and environmental practices, and ii) to evaluate the effect of horticulture practice on health behaviors, quality of life and environmental practices. Methodology: The study was carried out in the garden of the José Avides de Moreira Park, located in the Conde Ferreira Hospital Center, with a sample of 115 gardeners who were starting horticulture or had recently started it. The data collection was performed by interview, through the application of semi-structured questionnaires prepared for this purpose. All participants were interviewed when they were invited to join the study and at a second time (n = 102), which occurred roughly six months after the initial evaluation and whose objective was to evaluate possible changes due to horticulture in the behaviors of individuals. Results: There were significant and statistically significant changes from the first to the second evaluation regarding anthropometric parameters, eating habits, physical activity, smoking habits, quality of life and environmental sustainability practices. For the effect of exposure intensity (up to 3 hours vs. more than 3 hours per week), there were not statistically significant differences between the two groups. However, it was possible to observe higher values in the group associated with a longer exposure time. Conclusions: Horticulture had a beneficial effect on the health behaviors, quality of life and environmental practices of the participants. In the future it is justified to carry out studies with longer periods of follow-up in order to identify i) the maximum positive impact that horticulture entails on the variables studied here and ii) other possible types of benefits in areas not addressed in the present research.
Agricultura urbana Horticultura Hortas urbanas Agricultura biológica Comportamentos de saúde Qualidade de vida Práticas ambientais Urban agriculture Horticulture Urban gardens Organic farming Health behaviors Quality of life Environmental practices