Introdução/ enquadramento/ objetivos
O setor da Dança está pouco retratado em contexto de Saúde Ocupacional e a bibliografia é razoavelmente escassa.
Neste setor o profissional pode apenas efetuar ensaios e atuações (a solo ou em equipa), pode dar aulas para eventuais futuros colegas e/ ou para leigos ou acumular ambas as vertentes.
Trata-se de uma Revisão Bibliográfica, iniciada através de uma pesquisa realizada em agosto de 2020 nas bases de dados “CINALH plus with full text, Medline with full text, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Methodology Register, Nursing and Allied Health Collection: comprehensive, MedicLatina e RCAAP”.
A dança é uma arte complexa, cujo instrumento é o corpo. Conjuga movimento com a emoção, servindo também como forma de comunicação. Em alguns estilos de dança a rotina de treinos é muito exigente e competitiva, de forma a aperfeiçoar departamentos como força, resistência, velocidade, flexibilidade, equilíbrio e controlo. Aos treinos intensos, por vezes, associam-se algias e lesões concretas. Por exemplo, no Ballet clássico, a exigência técnica é muito elevada e desafiante e, na bibliografia selecionada, é certamente a dança mais estudada neste contexto.
A escassa bibliografia encontrada incide sobretudo nas principais lesões associadas (quer acidentes de trabalho, quer doenças profissionais); sendo que alguns artigos também destacam o eventual consumo de substâncias psicoativas em algumas modalidades específicas.
Discussão e Conclusões
Os autores elaboraram uma descrição dos principais Fatores de Risco/ Riscos Laborais deste setor, no geral; bem como listaram as Medidas de Proteção (coletivas e individuais) que consideram ser mais adequadas.
O setor da dança está muito pouco estudado pela Saúde Ocupacional, sendo pertinente a análise da realidade portuguesa, sobretudo em alguns estilos muito desenvolvidos no nosso país e sobre os quais não se encontrou qualquer bibliografia específica (mesmo em contexto internacional).
Introduction/ background/ objectives The Dance sector is rarely portrayed in the context of Occupational Health and the bibliography is reasonably scarce. In this sector the professional can only perform rehearsals and performances (solo or in a team), can teach classes to future colleagues and/ or community, or accumulate both. Methodology This is a bibliographic review, applied through a research carried out in August 2020, in the databases “CINALH plus with full text, Medline with full text, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Database of systematic reviews, record of the Cochrane methodology, collection of nursing and allied health: comprehensive, MedicLatina and RCAAP ”. Content Dance is a complex art, with the body as instrument. It combines movement with emotion, also serving as a form of communication. In some dance styles the training routine is very demanding and competitive, in order to improve departments such as strength, endurance, speed, flexibility, balance and motor control. Intense training is sometimes associated with pain and specific injuries. For example, in classical Ballet, the demand is very high and challenging and, in the bibliography, it is certainly the most studied dance in this context. The scarce bibliography found focuses mainly on the main associated lesions (either work accidents or occupational diseases); some articles also highlight the possible consumption of psychoactive substances in specific contexts. Discussion and Conclusions The authors prepared a description of the main Risk Factors/ Occupational Risks in this sector, in general; as well as listed as Protection Measures (collective and individual). The dance sector is very little studied by Occupational Health, being relevant the analysis of the Portuguese reality, especially in some styles very developed in our country and about which no specific bibliography was found (even in an international level).
Introduction/ background/ objectives The Dance sector is rarely portrayed in the context of Occupational Health and the bibliography is reasonably scarce. In this sector the professional can only perform rehearsals and performances (solo or in a team), can teach classes to future colleagues and/ or community, or accumulate both. Methodology This is a bibliographic review, applied through a research carried out in August 2020, in the databases “CINALH plus with full text, Medline with full text, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Database of systematic reviews, record of the Cochrane methodology, collection of nursing and allied health: comprehensive, MedicLatina and RCAAP ”. Content Dance is a complex art, with the body as instrument. It combines movement with emotion, also serving as a form of communication. In some dance styles the training routine is very demanding and competitive, in order to improve departments such as strength, endurance, speed, flexibility, balance and motor control. Intense training is sometimes associated with pain and specific injuries. For example, in classical Ballet, the demand is very high and challenging and, in the bibliography, it is certainly the most studied dance in this context. The scarce bibliography found focuses mainly on the main associated lesions (either work accidents or occupational diseases); some articles also highlight the possible consumption of psychoactive substances in specific contexts. Discussion and Conclusions The authors prepared a description of the main Risk Factors/ Occupational Risks in this sector, in general; as well as listed as Protection Measures (collective and individual). The dance sector is very little studied by Occupational Health, being relevant the analysis of the Portuguese reality, especially in some styles very developed in our country and about which no specific bibliography was found (even in an international level).
Dança Bailarino Saúde ocupacional Medicina do trabalho Dance Dancer Occupational health Occupational medicine
Santos M, Almeida A, Lopes C. (2020) Saúde Ocupacional aplicada à Dança. Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Ocupacional on line.10, 1-19 DOI:10.31252/RPSO.07.11.2020