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Las sociedades tradicionales se caracterizan por el predominio de visiones religiosas del mundo en contrapunto con las sociedades modernas, lo que abre otras vĆas de sentido, ademĆ”s de la expresiĆ³n religiosa. Con este estudio se pretende conocer la influencia de los valores de las sociedades modernas en los cambios religiosos, entre 90 y 2000. Lo hacemos recorriendo a los datos de la Encuesta de los Valores Europeos para 8 paĆses de tradiciĆ³n catĆ³lica. El cuestionario del EVS contempla una serie de orientaciones en diversos Ć”mbitos de la vida. Se han construido varias escalas con la pretensiĆ³n de presentar las orientaciones de valor. En nuestro anĆ”lisis hemos seleccionado dos constructos: recorriendo a la tesis de Inglehart, que nos permite explicar el cambio de valores, y a la baterĆa de preguntas de Rokeach para determinar los valores que los individuos consideran esenciales para la vida. Los resultados nos han permitido concluir que estamos asistiendo a una reconfiguraciĆ³n de la mentalidad que tiene como sujeto determinante las generaciones mĆ”s jĆ³venes que asimilaron los valores de la independencia y determinaciĆ³n y los valores del bienestar y auto-realizaciĆ³n, una vez que su contexto socio-cultural y econĆ³mico les fue favorable.
Traditional societies are characterized by the predominance of religious worldviews, in contrast to modern societies, which open up other avenues of sense, besides religious expression. This study aims to determine the influence of the values of modern societies on religious changes, between 1990 and 2000. We have recourse to data from the European Values Survey for eight Catholic countries. The EVS questionnaire provides a set of guidelines in various areas of life. Several scales have been built with the aim of presenting value orientations. In our analysis we selected two constructs: following Inglehart's thesis, which enables us to explain the change in values, and the Rokeach set of questions to determine the values that individuals considered essential for life. The results allowed us to conclude that we are witnessing a reconfiguration of the mindset that has a decisive influence on younger generations who have assimilated the values of independence and determination and the values of welfare and self-realization, once the socio-cultural and economic context was favourable.
Traditional societies are characterized by the predominance of religious worldviews, in contrast to modern societies, which open up other avenues of sense, besides religious expression. This study aims to determine the influence of the values of modern societies on religious changes, between 1990 and 2000. We have recourse to data from the European Values Survey for eight Catholic countries. The EVS questionnaire provides a set of guidelines in various areas of life. Several scales have been built with the aim of presenting value orientations. In our analysis we selected two constructs: following Inglehart's thesis, which enables us to explain the change in values, and the Rokeach set of questions to determine the values that individuals considered essential for life. The results allowed us to conclude that we are witnessing a reconfiguration of the mindset that has a decisive influence on younger generations who have assimilated the values of independence and determination and the values of welfare and self-realization, once the socio-cultural and economic context was favourable.
Valores Modernidad Cambio social IndividualizaciĆ³n ReligiĆ³n Values Modernity Social change Individualization Religion
Duque, Eduardo. Valores de la sociedad moderna: una visiĆ³n del cambio social, HOLOS, 02, 317-336, 2017.
Instituto Federal de EducaĆ§Ć£o, CiĆŖncia e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte