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Parte-se da noção de ira como motor da História, que Peter Sloterdijk desenvolve no artigo «Os novos frutos da ira: Pós-comunismo, Neoliberalismo e Islamismo» (in O Estado do Mundo, Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2006). Face à centralidade holística do capitalismo contemporâneo, sigo Sloterdijk quando afirma esgotado o potencial ameaçador e regulador da «energia timótica» comunista. Os espectros irados que alimentaram, a contrario, o modelo social europeu volveram-se, assim, em «espectros inúteis» (Richard Sennett), marginalizados por uma constante ameaça avaliativa. O terrorismo islamita não renova, pois, uma ira produtiva, constituindo antes uma outra face deste novo vazio (conceito que impulsiona a necessidade de reconhecimento intersubjectivo, relacionada aqui com duas variações recentes sobre a peça Macbeth, de Shakespeare).
We begin with the idea of wrath as a motor of history, as developed by Peter Sloterdijk in his article “The New Grapes of Wrath: Post Communism – Neoliberalism – Islamism” (in O Estado do Mundo, Lisbon: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2006). Given the holistic centrality of contemporary capitalism, I follow Sloterdijk’s claim that the threatening and regulatory potential of the Communist “thymotic energy” is outdated. The wrathful spectrums which, on the contrary, fed the European social model have thus been transformed into “useless spectrums” (Richard Sennett), marginalized by a constant threat of assessment. Islamic terrorism does not, therefore, renew a productive wrath, but rather constitutes another side of this new emptiness (a concept which has led to the need for intersubjective recognition, here related to two recent variations on Shakespeare’s Macbeth).
We begin with the idea of wrath as a motor of history, as developed by Peter Sloterdijk in his article “The New Grapes of Wrath: Post Communism – Neoliberalism – Islamism” (in O Estado do Mundo, Lisbon: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2006). Given the holistic centrality of contemporary capitalism, I follow Sloterdijk’s claim that the threatening and regulatory potential of the Communist “thymotic energy” is outdated. The wrathful spectrums which, on the contrary, fed the European social model have thus been transformed into “useless spectrums” (Richard Sennett), marginalized by a constant threat of assessment. Islamic terrorism does not, therefore, renew a productive wrath, but rather constitutes another side of this new emptiness (a concept which has led to the need for intersubjective recognition, here related to two recent variations on Shakespeare’s Macbeth).
Espectro Ira Neoliberalismo Reconhecimento Terrorismo Vazio Emptiness Neoliberalism Recognition Spectrum Terrorism Wrath
QUADRIO, Miguel-Pedro – A ira dos espectros inúteis: o terror em duas variações contemporâneas do Macbeth, de Shakespeare. Comunicação & Cultura. Lisboa. ISSN 1646-4877. 4 (Outono-Inverno 2007) 67-81