Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2017-12-01"
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- Family dynamics in digital homes: the role played by parental mediation in young children’s digital practices around 14 European countriesPublication . Brito, Rita; Francisco, Rita; Dias, Patrícia; Chaudron, StephaneIn contemporary society, digital media are fully integrated in our daily lives, indispensable for our routines, always connected and at-hand. Our research thus explores the parental mediation of portable digital devices in families with young children, addressing the following questions: (a) which are the most common parental mediation styles adopted towards young children; and (b) which individual features of the parents or contextual factors influence the parental mediation style adopted. Our methodology is exploratory and qualitative, considering as empirical corpus 14 national reports from the European-scale study “Young Children (0–8) and Digital Technologies” for a comparative thematic analysis. The authoritative style was the most common parental mediation style related to technology use. In general, there are transversal rules to all parental mediation styles (except laissez-faire style), such as withdraw or give devices to children according to their behavior, control (inappropriate) content and control the time of use. Also, parental perceptions and attitudes about the technologies played a heavier weight on the parental mediation style adopted, and consequently influenced the relationship of the children with digital media. Some implications for future studies, preventive actions, and family therapy are discussed.
- A utilização de tablets em escolas de 2º e 3º ciclos: contributos para a implementação de projetos com manuais digitaisPublication . Lagarto, José Reis; Marques, Hermínia; Mata, Jorge; Martins, DuarteSubstituir manuais escolares em papel por manuais digitais inseridos em tablets e utilizá-los na sala de aula obriga a uma planificação antecipada de todo o processo, de forma a não esquecer um conjunto de fatores críticos que, se não forem devidamente salvaguardados, podem tornar-se um entrave ao sucesso educativo do projeto.O acompanhamento pedagógico realizado ao longo de quase três anos do projeto ManEEle (Manuais Escolares Eletrónicos) permite-nos apresentar algumas linhas orientadoras para a criação de um quadro de referência que facilite a introdução pedagógica dos tablets na escola. Analisam-se algumas das dimensões críticas e chama-se a atenção para um conjunto de situações que, se analisadas e tratadas adequadamente, são fatores indutores de sucesso.Desenvolvido no Agrupamento de Escolas de Cuba, em duas turmas do terceiro ciclo, este projeto-piloto iniciou-se em setembro de 2013, estando atualmente no seu terceiro e último ano.
- Love me do, love me don't : factor drivers, development and consequences of brand love : a comparison between Portugal and the USAPublication . Pontinha, Vasco Miguel Vieira da Silva Rodrigues; Vale, Rita Miguel Ramos Dias do CoelhoOs consumidores referem-se muitas vezes às suas marcas favoritas como marcas que amam e o amor é, como alguém diria, a única coisa de que necessitamos. Assim, gestores e investigadores apressaram-se a cunhar o termo “brand love”. Hoje, esse conceito é utilizado como um termo holístico que se encontra ligado a emoções intensas o que, combinado com atitudes como intenção de compra e experiência de utilização, conduzem a comportamentos positivos. Ainda assim, este termo valioso permanece por se tornar num constructo estabelecido e consensual. Adicionalmente, o estado-da-arte atual do conhecimento de “brand love” não permite, ainda, aos gestores e investigadores perceberem se as dimensões fundacionais do referido constructo variam de marca para marca e/ou até, de país para país. Esta investigação pretende assim caracterizar as dimensões do “brand love” e o seu impacto em variáveis de mercado, bem como, perceber as variações que existem entre marcas de categorias diferentes e consumidores originários de países diferentes. Com recurso ao método de modelação de equação estrutural na escala avaliada no inquérito, é proposto um modelo de “brand love” que é composto por uma dimensão de segunda ordem, paixão e outras dimensões de primeira ordem como compromisso, integração da marca na própria personalidade e perspetiva de longo prazo. O modelo inclui ainda variáveis de mercado como lealdade à marca, passa-palavra positivo e compromisso com a marca como consequências de “brand love”. Os nossos resultados permitem-nos identificar diferenças no modelo relativamente às subsequentes variáveis de mercado, de acordo com as variações quer de categoria, quer de país. Discutimos os resultados à luz das diferenças organizacionais e culturais propostas por Hofstede. Concluímos este trabalho apresentando as implicações teóricas e de gestão para a construção de marcas e atividades de marketing.
- Spontaneous language of preterm children aged 4 and 5 yearsPublication . Félix, Juliana; Santos, Maria Emília; Benítez-Burraco, AntonioPurposes: to evaluate spontaneous language development through the Mean Length of Utterance in words (MLU-w) of children with gestational age between 28 and 36 weeks. This research also aims to study if the gestational age, birth weight, gender, and parents’ level of formal education can influence that measurement. Methods: nineteen premature children (9 males, 10 females), in the age range 4-5 years old, enrolled on Lisbon area kindergartens, and considered as having typical development, participated in this research. Spontaneous speech of each child was recorded for 30 minutes and transcribed afterwards. Results: mean values of MLU-w of Portuguese premature children were significantly lower than those with typical development. A positive and significant correlation between the gestational age and the birth weight with the MLU-w was also found. The gender of the children and the parents’ level of formal education showed no influence on the results. Conclusion: these results reinforce the need to identify, on these children, possible deficits, in order to prevent negative impacts in school education, and stimulate their psychosocial development.
- As if Plato had read Freud: the onto-anthropologic origin of tyrannyPublication . Pereira, AméricoIn Politeia, Plato analyses the types of human desirability, showing that there are perverse desires, detrimental to the possibility of the existence of common-good. The paragon of human perversity is the tyrant, precisely the one whose "paideia", annulling the corrective political instances – the "super-me" –, lead to an absolute hold of power, enslaving all other human beings. Briefly, this is how Plato read Freud.
- Diabetes, eating disorders and body image in young adults: an exploratory study about “diabulimia”Publication . Falcão, Maria Ana; Francisco, RitaPurpose: The purpose of this study was to compare disordered eating (DE) and body image dissatisfaction (BID) among young adults with type 1 diabetes and their peers without diabetes, to investigate the consequences of diabetes for food, body image and weight in individuals with diabetes and to identify the behavior of insulin omission as a weight loss strategy. Methods: Fifty-five young adults with diabetes and 73 without diabetes (ages 18–30) completed self-report questionnaires to evaluate their behaviors, attitudes and feelings related to eating disorders and their perceptions about body image. The participants with diabetes were asked to answer a questionnaire with open and closed questions developed specifically for this study. Results: No significant differences between participants with and without diabetes in relation to BID and DE were found. The results demonstrated several changes resulting from diabetes in terms of food, body image and weight that interfere with the day-to-day life of individuals with diabetes; 7.3% of these participants reported insulin omission as a weight loss strategy. Conclusions: This study emphasizes the importance of research on DE in the population with diabetes and their prevention, screening and treatment. In particular, it is essential to give more attention to insulin omission as a compensatory behavior that is inappropriate and harmful to health. Level of evidence: Level III, case-control analytic study.