Depois de apresentar a inseparável relação entre religião e cultura, com base numa abordagem hermenêutica da filosofia da religião, focaliza-se a questão no topos da relação entre religião e violência, com recurso às leitura de Girard, Ricoeur e Marquard. Ao contrário do que muitas propostas defendem, considera-se o potencial do monoteísmo como superador de violência. Nesse contexto, o conceito cristão de Deus, baseado na originária articulação da identidade com a relação, é considerado como caminho religioso para a superação da violência – também no âmbito da relação inter-cultural.
After presenting the inseparable relation between religion and culture from the perspective of a hermeneutics of the philosophy of religion, the article centres its attention on the relation between religion and violence, with special recourse made to Girard, Ricoeur, and Marquard. Contrary to what has been often proposed, the essay advances the idea that monotheism has the potential of overcoming violence. In this context, the Christian concept of God, based on an original articulation of identity and relation, is conceived as the religious path to the overcoming of violence – also in the ambit of intercultural relation.
After presenting the inseparable relation between religion and culture from the perspective of a hermeneutics of the philosophy of religion, the article centres its attention on the relation between religion and violence, with special recourse made to Girard, Ricoeur, and Marquard. Contrary to what has been often proposed, the essay advances the idea that monotheism has the potential of overcoming violence. In this context, the Christian concept of God, based on an original articulation of identity and relation, is conceived as the religious path to the overcoming of violence – also in the ambit of intercultural relation.
Religião Filosofia