Research Project
AGeNT - Aerobic Granular Sludge technology combined with selected microbial agents to degrade toxic pollutants from wastewater
Carbamazepine is degraded by the bacterial strain Labrys portucalensis F11
Publication . Bessa, Vânia S.; Moreira, Irina S.; Murgolo, Sapia; Mascolo, Giuseppe; Castro, Paula M. L.
The occurrence of pharmaceuticals in the environment is a topic of concern. Carbamazepine (CBZ) is a widespread antiepileptic drug and due to its physical-chemical characteristics minimal removal is achieved in conventional water treatments, and thus has been suggested as a molecular marker of wastewater contamination in surface water and groundwater. The present study reports the biotransformation of CBZ by the bacterial strain Labrys portucalensis F11. When supplied as a sole carbon source, a 95.4% biotransformation of 42.69 μM CBZ was achieved in 30 days. In co-metabolism with acetate, complete biotransformation was attained at a faster rate. Following a target approach, the detection and identification of 14 intermediary metabolites was achieved through UPLC-QTOF/MS/MS. Biotransformation of CBZ by the bacterial strain is mostly based on oxidation, loss of -CHNO group and ketone formation reactions; a biotransformation pathway with two routes is proposed. The toxicity of untreated and treated CBZ solutions was assessed using Vibrio Fischeri and Lepidium sativum acute toxicity tests and Toxi-Chromo Test. The presence of CBZ and/or its degradations products in solution resulted in moderate toxic effect on Vibrio Fischeri, whereas the other organisms were not affected. To the best of our knowledge this is the first report that proposes the metabolic degradation pathway of CBZ by a single bacterial strain.
Intermittent load of 2-fluorophenol in saline wastewater shapes aerobic granular sludge microbiome and reactor performance
Publication . Oliveira, Ana S.; Amorim, Catarina L.; Loosdrecht, Mark C. M. van; Castro, Paula
Industrial effluents often contain organic pollutants and variable salinity levels, making their treatment challenging. Aerobic granular sludge (AGS) is an innovative and compact wastewater treatment technology for the treatment of domestic and industrial water streams. The high content of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in AGS composition is thought to protect , to some extent, the microbial communities from stressful conditions in external environment.
This work aimed to evaluate the robustness of AGS systems in terms of nutrient removal performance and to unravel the protective role of EPS towards transient feeding with a toxic pollutant (2-fluorophenol - 2-FP) in saline wastewater. Moreover, the taxonomic and functional patterns of the AGS microbiome were characterized and linked with nutrient removal performance and EPS production. In order to mimic transient states of composition typical of industrial effluents, the reactor inlet medium periodically varied regarding to 2-FP presence and salt concentration.
Sludge volume index and suspended solids estimation of mature aerobic granular sludge by quantitative image analysis and chemometric tools
Publication . Leal, Cristiano; Río, Angeles Val del; Mesquita, Daniela P.; Amaral, António L.; Castro, Paula M. L.; Ferreira, Eugénio C.
Aerobic granular sludge (AGS) is considered a promising technology for wastewater treatment. Furthermore, it is recognized that the stability of the process is related to the balanced growth of the suspended (floccular) and granular fractions. Therefore, the development of adequate techniques to monitor this balance is of interest. In this work the sludge volume index (SVI), volatile suspended solids (VSS) and total suspended solids (TSS) of mature AGS were successfully predicted with multilinear regression (MLR) models using data obtained from quantitative image analysis (QIA) of both fractions (suspended and granular). Relevant predictions were obtained for the SVI (R2 of 0.975), granules TSS (R2 of 0.985), flocs TSS (R2 of 0.971), granules VSS (R2 of 0.984) and flocs VSS (R2 of 0.986). The estimation of the granular fraction ratio from the predicted TSS and VSS was also successful (R2 of 0.985). The predictions help to avoid instability episodes of the AGS system, such as changes in biomass morphology, structure and settling properties.
Biodegradation of bisphenol A and bisphenol S by labrys portucalensis strain F11
Publication . Novo, Ana; Moreira, Irina S.; Castro, Paula
Bioaugmentation of Aerobic Granular Sludge with specialized degrading granules treating 2-fluorophenol wastewater
Publication . Oliveira, Ana S.; Amorim, Catarina L.; Zlopasa, Jure; Lin, Yumei; Loosdrecht, Mark C. M. van; Castro, Paula
The industry growth has been accompanied by an increase in the amount of industrial chemicals being released into the environment. Indigenous microbial communities in wastewater biotreatment processes are not always effective in removing xenobiotics.
This work aimed to evaluate the efficiency of a new bioaugmentation strategy in an aerobic granular sludge sequencing batch reactor (AGS-SBR) system fed with 2-fluorophenol (2-FP). Bioreactor performance in terms of phosphate and ammonium removal, 2-FP degradation and chemical oxygen demand (COD) was evaluated. The new bioaugmentation strategy consisted in producing granules using extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) extracted from AGS as a carrying matrix and a 2-FP degrading strain, Rhodococcus sp. FP1. The produced granules were used for the bioaugmentation of a reactor fed with 2-FP. Shortly after bioaugmentation, the produced granules broke down into smaller fragments inside the bioreactor, but 2-FP degradation occurred. After 8 days of bioaugmentation, 2-FP concentration inside the reactor started to decrease, and stoichiometric fluorine release was observed 35 days later. Phosphate and ammonium removal also improved after bioaugmentation, increasing from 30% to 38% and from 20 to 27%, respectively. Complete ammonium removal was only achieved when 2-FP feeding stopped, and phosphate removal was not recovered during operation time. COD removal also improved after the addition of the produced granules. The persistence of Rhodococcus sp. FP1 in the reactor was followed by qPCR. Rhodococcus sp. FP1 was detected 1 day after in the AGS and up to 3 days after bioaugmentation at the effluent. Nevertheless, the 2-FP degradative ability remained thereafter in the granules. Horizontal gene transfer could have happened from the 2-FP degrading strain to indigenous microbiome as some bacteria isolated from the AGS, 3 months after bioaugmentation, were able to degrade 2-FP. This study presents a promising and feasible bioaugmentation strategy to introduce specialized bacteria into AGS systems treating recalcitrant pollutants in wastewater.
Organizational Units
Funding agency
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Funding programme
9471 - RIDTI
Funding Award Number