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- Between tree lovers and tree haters. Drivers of public perception regarding street trees and its implications on the urban green infrastructure planningPublication . Fernandes, Cláudia Oliveira; Silva, Isabel Martinho da; Teixeira, Catarina Patoilo; Costa, LeonardoStreet trees can play an important role in the urban green infrastructure (UGI). However, changes in the urban fabric often have perverse effects on the structure, diversity, and performance of street trees, and, consequently, on their perception by the public. This research explores public perception of the current street tree adequacy in a coastal neighborhood of Porto that went through a major densification in its urban fabric during the second half of the 20th century. The research methodology included: i) a survey to evaluate public perception of tree services and disservices, and public perception of the adequacy of street trees in the study area; and ii) two Logit models relating public perception of tree services with the characteristics of respondents and streets. 96% of the respondents self-reported as tree lovers. However, more than 30% found the street trees of the study area inadequate to the present urban fabric and 5% have already made a complaint to the municipality. Characteristics of respondents and streets affect respondent’s perceptions. Education plays a key role in the acknowledgment of tree services. Older respondents are more likely to perceive trees as dangerous. Respondents who live on streets dominated by Black Poplar are more likely to dislike trees. Results implications on UGI planning and design advise an adjustment of tree dimensions to street dimensions, an increase in street tree diversity, and an improved street planting design. Results also suggest that an investment in education and information could lead to conflict mitigation.
- Characteristics and motivations of potential users of urban allotment gardens: the case of Vila Nova de Gaia municipal network of urban allotment gardensPublication . Silva, Isabel Martinho da; Fernandes, Cláudia Oliveira; Castiglione, Beatriz; Costa, LeonardoDemand for urban allotment plots has recently increased in Portugal but little is known about the characteristics and motivations of the demanding population, and if and how its characteristics affect its motivations. In this article, we use the Municipal Network of Urban Allotment Gardens (MNUAG)1 launched by the Portuguese municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia for an exploratory Case Study research. Based on the data collected in the MNUAG application forms submitted in the period 2012–2013, we describe the characteristics and the motivations of the population demanding for urban allotment gardens (UAG)2 and run a logit model to find if and how the motivations are influenced by the characteristics. The population of applicants to the MNUAG is quite diverse. It has a balanced gender distribution and an average age of 47 years. Most of the applicants are between 25 and 64 years old, and belong to households with 2–4 members. To supplement family budget, occupation of leisure times, and access to organic farming are its most important motivations, followed by environmental concerns, the practice of physical exercise, and education. Motivations are influenced by the characteristics. This study has identified two groups of applicants with contrasting motivations. Food security is the only significant motivation for the unemployed and low-income applicants. Food safety, health concerns, environmental concerns, recreation, and education are common and frequent motivations among the upper and intermediate professional groups. Results can have future implications on the MNUAG, namely on the UAG location and typology, plot number, and plot size. To meet the demand of all the types of applicants, while fostering social cohesion, the municipality should reinforce its current small UAG structure and add to the MNUAG one or two productive parks.