Pinto, Joana CarneiroBrazão, VascoRebelo-Pinto, Helena2023-07-312023-07-312018 herein present the most recent developments of the Live2Work Project (ERASMUS+, with the participation of Portugal, Denmark, the Czech Republic, and France). We present some of the results of the pilot courses that were conducted with technicians (conselors, mentors, trainers) from three different countries in order to test the project’s first two outputs. We also reflect on the importance of conducting pilot courses to build a final version of these outputs.engLive2workJovens adultos e adultosMigrantes e refugiadosVulnerabilidade profissionalThe live2work project: results of pilot courses and their implications for the design, building, and development of life projects of young adults and adults in situations of professional vulnerabilityconference object