Iannetta, PietroBalázs, BálintDavies, ChantelHamann, KarenDebeljak, MarkoHamann, KarenWilliams, MichaelVasconcelos, Marta2019-03-292019-03-292018Iannetta, P., Balazs, B., Davies, C., Hamann, K., Debeljak, D., Becky, H., ...Williams, M. (2018). For the love of wise agronomy: Transition paths to legume supported food- and feed-systems in Europe. In ESA 2018 : XV European Society for Agronomy Congress (ESA), Geneva, Switzerland, 27-31 August 2018. Book abstracts. (p.73). [Geneve]: European Society for Agronomyhttp://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/27173engFor the love of wise agronomy: transition paths to legume supported food- and feed-systems in Europeconference object